Category: Gaming

I know, weird, right? I’m over 50 and (semi regularly) game. Well, sue me, but I prefer that over slouching in a sofa mindlessly rotting away in front of aTV. If (when) I really like a certain form of entertaniment, you’ll probably find something about it here.

Star Citizen

I’ve been a StarCitizen backer since 2014, and so far the project has been an absolute joy to follow, warts and all.

Into The Breach

Into the Breach is one of my all-time favorite strategy games. It is an excellent option for when you only have a few minutes to spare.

Rollecoaster Tycoon

One of my all-time favorites, and a game I still come back to visit from time to time is Rollercoaster Tycoon.

The Witcher 3

Aaah. The Witcher. A game so perfect it leaves the Netflix series unwatchable, and its Blood & Wine DLC is so large it stands as a full game…