After two years of hard work by my team and coworkers, I was very proud to announce and release our company’s brand new house/accommodation booking website, built atop our also-brand-new ‘ERP and Finance data warehouse’ framework – managed by other brilliant projects (and managers) where I work.

From now on, students wanting to rent from us no longer have to submit an application and then wait several months in anticipation to be assigned one of our 6000 housing units. If available, they can book (and pay their deposit) at once, or if currently unavailable, choose to be notified when it becomes so.

Moreover, from the same site, they have access to – and can pay directly – all their invoices (rent and so on). They can see, extend or cancel their contracts (including parking and storage spaces), or contact one of our caretakers if needed.

Though user-friendly and simple to use, it relies heavily on underlying systems, such as access to all related economic transactions from Microsoft Finance & Operations, and complete control over all housing objects including reservations, exclusions, availability periods, and so on via OnSite. Maintenance and caretaker planning through Lydia, two-factor security through MS Authenticator, and much, much more.

Here are a few screenshots.

[Update 21.07.2022] In the media

We also made it into the regional and national media 🙂